Stars of Teignbridge - Volunteers Awards Ceremony


Teignbridge has a thriving voluntary sector. We are celebrating and thanking all the people who give their time to the community at an awards ceremony at Pavilions Teignmouth on Friday 15th November. 

We want to encourage as many nominations as possible from across the community, so if a volunteer or local organisation has had a positive impact on your life, we want to hear about it! 

Maybe it’s the sports coach who gave your child their confidence back; or the kind volunteer who sat with you so patiently when you were anxious about your hospital appointment; or the befriender who comes to see you every week and always makes you smile; or your neighbour who helps keep the street tidy by doing litter picks and weeding. 

Whoever has helped brighten your days, you can bet they’ve done the same for others too! We want to show these people our appreciation, because they make Teignbridge such a special place for us all. 

Our awards categories are based on the Vision for Volunteering; a movement to create a diverse, innovative, ambitious, equitable, and person-centred future for volunteering. 

How to nominate 

If you’d like to nominate someone, please email by Sunday 15th September to say: 

  • The name of the volunteer/organisation you’d like to nominate and for which award 
  • Your relationship to them 
  • Arts and creative classes
Outdoor activities
Activities for children and young people
Arts organisations and events
Mental health support
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.