Enjoy a two-course freshly cooked meal delivered to your door by our team at Infinity.
Fresh hot meal delivery £9.50 Frozen meal delivery £6.50 Snack Pack £4.50 Sandwich £2.00
When is the service available?
Our delivery service is available from Monday to Friday lunchtimes (excluding Bank Holidays). If you require meals at the weekends we can offer a frozen meal to be delivered on a Friday and we also have snack packs available to purchase with your main meal.
Snacks packs are freshly prepared each day, consisting of 4 items, and can be put into your fridge ready to enjoy a snack later in the evening. Items may include a sandwich or roll, fruit, yoghurt, crisps, cheese straws, sausage roll or cheese and onion pasty.
Please call Nicky Ransley on 01795 662562 to discuss your needs or email admin@ageuksheppey.co.uk
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Sheppey - Head Office's catchment area. We support all residents over the age of 50 across the Isle of Sheppey.