Graves Health and Sport Centre Good Boost Aqua [CATEGORY 2]

The aim of Good Boost is to improve people’s lives by getting those above the ages of 18 years with an MSK condition, moving with gentle water-based exercise in a fun and social environment, so that actually, looking after your health becomes a pleasure, not a chore. Our sessions are individually tailored using portable electronic devices that to allow you to progress at your own pace and have been built by experts in order to reduce pain and improve strength and mobility.

Location: Bochum Parkway, Jordanthorpe
Postcode: S8 8JR
Cost: Pay as you go £5 / 12 week membership is £75 for non-members. Graves memebers can join in at no extra cost.
Day: Every Friday
Time:  1.00pm-2.00pm

Day centres
Exercise and fitness classes
Leaving hospital
Sports clubs and groups
Sports facilities
Connecting with others
Getting active
Managing a long-term health condition
Additional needs catered for:
Physical disability friendly
Category 2, physical activity, exercise, movement, support
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