Recovery Week

Week commencing 2nd September Falcon Support services will be holding a recovery week event, starting with our Health and Well being Day on 2nd starting at 10am until 3pm. 

I have attached a photo below with all the details and services that will be attending during the week, we do have free hair cuts for males on the 2nd and female and males on the 3rd. 

Day centres
Exercise and fitness classes
Alcohol advice and support
Benefits advice and assessment
Advice to businesses and voluntary organisations
Adult education and learning
Sports clubs and groups
Drugs advice and support
Asylum seekers and refugee support
Careers advice
Council tenant advice
Health advice
Financial advice and support
Mental health support
Computers and IT skills
Homelessness support
Employment and training initiatives
Hostels and emergency accommodation
Connecting with others
Housing advice
Day to day helping hand
Getting active
Healthy lifestyle
Helping with money
Information and advice
Mental health
Services for older people
Social prescribing
Support for carers
Support with employment
Support with housing
Additional needs catered for:
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Dementia friendly
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.