ARE YOU CRAFTY or would you like to be?
There is an active Knit ‘n’ Natter group at The Centre which is aimed at over 18 year olds. This is a casual, self-run, self-help social afternoon with no registration or other charges. Those taking part are asked to bring their own knitting, crochet, sewing, embroidery, card making or any other crafts .
Proceeds go towards Centre improvements.
These sessions are a great opportunity to practice existing skills and learn new ones in an informal and friendly environment.
The free sessions are held every Tuesday in term time from 2pm to 4pm in the upstairs Meeting Room. Coffee and refreshments are also available from the Coffee Shop. This is a very social group enjoying the company as well as the crafts in a very relaxed atmosphere.
For further information please contact Ann 01524 811684 or Sallie 01524 812017.