Tea, Talk and Chair Based Exercise [CATEGORY 2]

(Breakfast / Refreshments available from £2.50)

Location: Heritage and Community Centre, Herdings Ct, Morland Road, Gleadless
Postcode: S14 1TD
Cost: Free
Day: Tuesday's
Time: 10am-12pm
Email: beth.wragg@sufc-community.co.uk
Website: https://sufc-community.com/our-programmes/ages-18-35/fans-fighting-cancer/

Exercise and fitness classes
Leaving hospital
Activities for older people
Sports clubs and groups
Sports facilities
Connecting with others
Getting active
Managing a long-term health condition
Services for older people
Additional needs catered for:
Physical disability friendly
Category 2, physical activity, exercise, movement, support
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.