Activities for under 5s and their carers

Free activities for under 5s and their carers, including stay and play groups, baby focused sessions and curriculum-focused early years sessions.

Parent discussion groups focused on particular topics, as well as 1:1 advocacy appointments, regular bring and swap mornings (for families to get good quality second hand clothes, toys and household items) and social opportunities.

Service statistics
100% of referrals accepted
Activities for children and young people
Advocacy for social care clients
Basic necessities (food/clothes)
Family support groups and organisations
Social prescribing
Youth support
Service access criteria:

Open access

Additional needs catered for:
Vision impairment friendly
Hearing impairment friendly
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Non English speaking friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.