Age UK Cheshire

Age UK Cheshire offers lots of services and activities for older people and their carers.

The pandemic means that delivering some of our services has had to be paused, while other services are being delivered in a different, covid secure way. The guidance on what is allowed changes frequently - please bear with us during these challenging times.
Information and advice

We provide information, advice and support to all older people in Cheshire, their family, friends or carers.  


It is often said that time is the greatest gift that you can give, and with that in mind we are connecting people through our  'Sharing Time' project.

We currently run two befriending projects, Sharing Time and Countess Companions based at the The Countess of Chester Hospital

Leisure and Social Activities

Our activities are designed to get you out and about staying fit and healthy.  You can also meet friends and learn new skills

Dementia Advice

We offer information and support on dementia diagnosis, living with dementia, care options, financial matters and much more

Later Life Goals

Our Later Life Goals Service is for people who are going through a significant life event and who would benefit from some information and advice, delivered through a home visit by one of our advisors.

Brightlife Partnership Project

Brightlife is a partnership between local agencies from across the voluntary, public and private sectors.  

Service statistics
Usually replies in 1 day
100% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: Over 50, resident in Cheshire
Activities for older people
Additional needs catered for:
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.