Mental Health Drop-in Centre and Wellbeing Activities
Verified service

Pepper's- A Safe Place is a local mental health charity, providing a safe space for anyone struggling with their mental health, loneliness or isolation.

They offer a warm and welcoming centre where members can socialise, meet new people, connect with the community, get involved in wellbeing activities or just relax with a cup of tea.

Pepper's holds regular drop-in sessions every week and several activities from gardening at the local fire station to art workshops, cookery classes and Tai Chi.

Any adults can attend, free of charge. There's no pressure, just a safe space to be yourself.

Pepper's is based in the centre of Oakham, on the first floor (2A High Street).


Current drop-in session opening hours:

Mondays 17:30-19:30

Tuesdays 10:30-12:30

Thursdays 13:00-15:00

Service statistics
Usually replies in 4 days
100% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: 18+ years
Outdoor activities
Bereavement support
Mental health support
Connecting with nature
Connecting with others
Mental health
Additional needs catered for:
Learning difficulty friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
Mental Health, Loneliness, Isolation, Community, Gardening, Art, Nature, Social, Mental Illness, Depression, Peppers, Pepper's, Safe place, Anxiety
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