Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles into the body with the aim of bringing about balance and thus restore harmony and supporting wellbeing.
There are several styles of Acupuncture and here at Copper Woman your appointment may use some of the following styles: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Balance Method, Ear Acupuncture, Oncology Support Acupuncture or NeoClassical Acupuncture.
Currently my favourite is NeoClassical, a style where a diagnosis is done by palpating (touching) one or more of the following: your tummy, back, arms or legs. This will help to narrow down where I pop the needle(s) in order to bring about balance. Needles are usually placed at some point below the knees or below the elbows. This type of acupuncture uses, for the most part, just one needle and changes in the body may be noticed in a few minutes*.
*Everyone is different, results may vary, in some cases more than one treatment may be required and occasionally desired results may not be achieved.