Dance for Wellbeing

Free sessions in Forest Gate

Over 50s dance

  • Active adults
  • Mondays 12:45-1:45

Moving well

  • Adults with mobility / balance difficulties
  • Seated to standing session
  • Mondays 2-3pm

What should I expect?

A weekly creative dance session encouraging a range of movements, physical confidence, joy and connection to others.

Not sure which group best suits you?

Contact Stella to discuss getting involved at

Service statistics
Usually replies in 1 day
100% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: For Over 50s dance: 50+. For Moving Well: 18+ with mobility or balance issues
Exercise and fitness classes
Activities for older people
Arts and creativity
Connecting with others
Getting active
Managing a long-term health condition
Services for older people
Additional needs catered for:
Physical disability friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
dance, dancing, keep fit, dance class, long term health conditions, mobility, balance, exercise
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.