New Parks Neighbourhood Mental Health Cafe
Verified service

If you need a listening ear, some one to off load to, someone who you can confide in with no judgement in a safe environment, our trained support staff are here for you at Team Hub CIC

New parks Neighbourhood Mental Health Café 
No Appointments necessary just drop in

Team Hub CIC 
st oswalds road, New parks, LE3 6RJ
Thursdays 12pm-6pm
Saturdays 11am-5pm 
Trained support staff who can offer immediate support, additional signposting and action plans, to over 18s suffering with issues effecting their mental health.

Mental health support
Mental health
Additional needs catered for:
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Dementia friendly
Mental health support, Café, cafes, neighbourhood cafes, crisis, crisis cafes, crisis café
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