FASD Youth Friendship Group

FASD 11- 17 Youth Friendship Group
Free once-a-month online friendship group, offering a safe space for young people with FASD to connect, have fun, and enjoy making friends. Thursday 7pm – 8pm.

Upcoming 2024 dates

January 18th

February 15th

March 21st

April 18th

May 16th

June 20th

July 18th

August 15th

September 19th

October 17th

November 21st

December 19th

Register an interest here and join our friendly group if even for a one off to see if you would like it.

Service statistics
Usually replies in 6 days
100% of referrals accepted
Activities for children and young people
Advice for young people
Connecting with others
Managing a long-term health condition
Youth support
Additional needs catered for:
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
friendship, support, youth, FASD, disabilities
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