Email: hello@caringtogetherwarwickshire.org.uk
The service provides a single point of access for people who are looking after someone else. The universal all age carer wellbeing service provides a range of free support, information advice and guidance tailored to carers unique needs. Carers have told us they feel better supported by using a holistic approach enabling them to continue caring role for as long as they choose. By registering (free) you will have access to a wide range of resources and information, be kept up to date with the latest changes in social care and have access to groups and activities we run as part of a large network of Carers in Warwickshire. We offer a blend of services, face to face and digital to ensure you get the support of your choice.
Providing 121 emotional support in a safe space sharing your worries and concerns can really help.
Signposting, we can put you in touch with others who can help – go to our Partners Page for useful links and resources.
Helping you access support to look after your own health and wellbeing.
Accessing replacement care for health appointments, special occasions, or one-off events, even at short notice and emergency planning Peer support through a network of carers groups where people with shared experience meet to support one another, have a cup of tea and a chat or take part in an activity.
Understanding how to access Health and Social Care and services throughout our community, we work closely with community hubs. Talking to you about assistive technology, money and benefits and hear all about our Carers Smart Card
Carer training – designed to provide you with the confidence and key skills to help you in your caring role