Volunteer Friends - Drivers


Email: info@volunteerfriends.org.uk

Our mission is to serve the community by encouraging friendships, combating isolation and celebrating independent living.

The recognition of the need for a service which addresses the issues of loneliness and social isolation was brought to the attention of the Volunteer Centre over a period of years and as a result of constant feedback from user groups and clients. Those clients who accessed services which met specific medical needs advised us of their desire to broaden their horizons and have greater access to the wider community at a social level.

It is our intention to recruit volunteers to be drivers, escorts, befrienders, caterers and hosts, event organisers and any other roles as deemed appropriate to the needs of the organisation and its users. We shall encourage our users to become active participants and in as much as it is possible to set the agenda for their future activities.

Our aims are to:

• encourage independence

• increase social rehabilitation

• promote well-being

• provide stimulating activities

Service access criteria: Adult
Transport and getting around
Additional needs catered for:
Volunteer, Friends, Transport, Independence, Social, Rehabilitation, Well-being
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.