Community Footcare Service
Verified service

Age UK Kent Rivers provides a footcare service for older people living in Medway, Faversham and North West Kent. As you get older, caring for your feet can become more difficult, and this can cause discomfort.  Investing a bit of time and thought into caring for your feet now, can prevent them causing you pain in the future. Our friendly and professional staff will provide safe and simple footcare procedures in your home, including:

- Cutting and filing toe nails, keeping them at a comfortable length
- Smoothing and moisturising dry and rough skin
- Checking for cracks and breaks in the skin, and inflammation such as blisters
- Looking for signs of infection like nail fungus or other obvious early problems, and seeking professional advice
- Cutting and filing finger nails.

Service access criteria: Available to people aged 50 and over living in the Medway, Faversham and North West Kent areas. Please note that this is a toe nail cutting service and not a podiatry service.
Care at home
Day to day helping hand
Additional needs catered for:
Takes place in the client’s home
Footcare, toenail cutting, nail cutting service
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