Health and wellbeing coach service

Health and Wellbeing Coaches are health professionals based in GP practices. We support patients with creating sustainable lifestyle changes based on what matters to them to help improve their health and wellbeing. It is a collaborative approach with the patient to help them develop the skills and confidence needed to take control over their mental and physical health. Involves goal setting on topics such as: weight management, improving diet or physical activity levels, stress management, long term condition symptom management, and improving mood.


This health and wellbeing coach service supports the following GP practices:

Petersfield Medical Practice

Cornford House Surgery

Cherry Hinton Medical Centre

Mill Road Surgery

The Queen Edith Medical Practice

The Woodlands Surgery

Service statistics
Usually replies in 3 days
100% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: 18+ Must not currently be drug or alcohol dependent , omplex mental health symptoms to be discussed prior to referral If referral for weight management, must not currently be accessing Tier 3 weight management services or above
Alcohol advice and support
Drugs advice and support
Healthy lifestyle
Additional needs catered for:
substance abuse
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