Care coordinator service

Care Coordinators work closely with the practice team and the rest of the personalised care team to help patients manage non-medical needs. Care Coordinators help provide support and signposting for patients needing carers support, setting up additional help at home, home adaptations, technology enabled care (e.g falls alarms), and referrals to various community schemes (weight management, diabetes management, Age UK community warden etc). We take time to get to know the patient to provide them with support that best suits them. 


This care coordinator service supports the following GP practices:

Petersfield Medical Practice

Cornford House Surgery

Cherry Hinton Medical Centre

Mill Road Surgery

The Queen Edith Medical Practice

The Woodlands Surgery

Service statistics
Usually replies in 2 days
90% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: 18+ A Care Coordinator can support people who are vulnerable, feeling socially isolated, lonely, or just adjusting to staying at home. If you are unsure if a referral is suitable for Care Coordinator or Social Prescriber, send it to either box and the team will triage.
Adult carers advice and support
Carers support groups
Support for carers
Additional needs catered for:
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