Health and Wellbeing Coaches

Health and Wellbeing Coaches are Health Professionals based in GP Practices, who work closely with GP’s alongside Social Prescribing Link Workers and Care Coordinators. This role is part of the NHS’s long-term plan to make personalised care the ‘norm’ across primary care. The idea is to help support GP Practice staff in helping people look after and manage their own physical and mental health.

A coach’s main role is to help people to take an active role in looking after their own health and wellbeing. Particularly people with long-term conditions that can be managed through lifestyle changes. Coaches aim to help people make these positive lifestyle changes, with the aim of leading to long-term behaviour change. This can be achieved through setting goals and targets, establishing healthier habits and increasing people's knowledge, skills and confidence.

An example of the lifestyle changes that a Health and Wellbeing Coach may support with is as follows, ‘Reaching a Healthy Weight’, ‘Changing Food Habits’, ‘Increasing Physical Activity’ and support with ‘Long Term Conditions’.

This Health and Wellbeing Coach Service supports the following GP practices:

Rushall Medical Centre

Northgate Practice

Portland Medical Practice

Collingwood Family Practice

Blackwood Health Centre



Please be made aware, all of Walsall East 2 PCN’s Non-Clinical Services e.g. Social Prescribers, Health and Wellbeing Coaches, Care Coordinators and all of our groups are NOT crisis services.

If you are in crisis, you should access the relevant service/s, for example:

-        Medical emergency, Police emergency or emergency linked to fire – ring 999

-        Mental Health – Samaritans 116 123, SHOUT 82528

-        Emergency Housing Support – Walsall Council 01922 652 250

-        Financial Issues – Walsall Council 0300 555 2855

Service access criteria: Patients 18+ without complex mental health needs
Mental health
Additional needs catered for:
Health Coach, Health and Wellbeing Coach, Social Prescribing, Care Coordinator, Bereavement, Bereavement Support Care Coordinator, Cancer, Cancer Care Coordinator
Who can refer: Self referrals only
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.