CBF Family Carer Email Network
Verified service

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) is the only UK charity specifically focussed on the needs of children and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges, and their families.

Do you care for a loved one who has a severe learning disability? Would you like to share experiences, information and receive support – without any obligation to reply or to identify yourself? If so, the CBF Family Carer Email Network is for you!

Being put in contact with other people who have been in their shoes has proved to be invaluable for many of the families who contact the Challenging Behaviour Foundation.  

Service access criteria: Suitable for those caring for a child, young person or adult with a severe learning disability. We are unable to support where the person has a mild or moderate learning disability or diagnosis of autism without a learning disability.
Adult carers advice and support
Support for carers
Additional needs catered for:
Learning difficulty friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
Severe learning disability, learning disability, autism, challenging behaviour, non-verbal, helpline, casework, education, health, social care, discrimination
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.