Employment Support Clinic at Loughborough Wellbeing Centre

Thursdays Fortnightly from 28th March 9am-12pm (noon)

Are you or someone you know in Charnwood looking for work, learning, or volunteering opportunities whilst managing mental health difficulties? The Leicestershire Employment & Skills Programme at Loughborough Wellbeing Centre is here to support you.

Our personalised one-to-one support, led by your dedicated Employment Adviser, encompasses various aspects of career exploration, job searching, application assistance, reasonable adjustments and disclosure advice, CV writing, interview preparation and more.

Additionally, our tutor-led classes focus on managing mental health conditions in the workplace and developing tools for sustaining work and well-being, including building confidence and motivation.

Whether you're unemployed, on sick leave, facing employment challenges, or contemplating a career change, our services can help you. We provide time-unlimited, comprehensive in-work support, recognising the vital role of sustainable employment in mental health recovery.

At Real Purpose, we believe in community engagement and offer face-to-face meetings in local areas whenever we can. However, we also accommodate virtual sessions via video calls and phone conversations for your convenience.

If you are elsewhere in Leicestershire County, please get in touch as we have employment clinics in different neighbourhoods.

Connect with Real Purpose now to embark on your journey toward employment, learning, or volunteering. Drop in or schedule an appointment at our Loughborough Wellbeing Centre Employment Clinic and take the first step towards finding your real purpose. 

Schedule an appointment: Drop in between 9am-12pm noon (there may be a wait before you are seen) or to book an appointment please complete a referral form and we will call you to arrange this)

  • Self-referral form - https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/1FSF0np-TRfWXZoOLLjd9dA2djyhd 
  • Refer someone else - https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/1UpojnOW_QTWxDiJfCmeROQ2djyhd 


Have some questions? Get in touch:


  • Call our Freephone - 0800 688 9938 
  • Email Us - info@realpurpose.uk
  • Visit our Website - www.realpurpose.uk 
  • Follow us on Social Media - https://linktr.ee/realpurposeuk
  • Sign up to our Mailing List - https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/16rTxoM0bRKi84A3ijkhDag2djyhd
Service access criteria: Please note that we can currently only accept individuals who meet the following criteria (which we hope to extend in the future) - Aged 18 years and over. Lives in Leicestershire County (not Leicester City.) Wants to actively engage in work, volunteering or learning (can already be in work as we also support people to retain their paid job or look for another job.) Registered with a GP. At risk of mental ill health, or you have a mental health problem and use primary care health services for support with this condition(s.) Primary Care means that a GP is responsible for the treatment of their mental health, not a Psychiatrist, CPN and/or Community Mental Health Team - which is called 'Secondary Care'.
Advice to businesses and voluntary organisations
Adult education and learning
Careers advice
Computers and IT skills
Employment and training initiatives
Connecting with others
Helping with money
Information and advice
Managing a long-term health condition
Mental health
Social prescribing
Support with employment
Additional needs catered for:
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
employment, jobs, careers, mental health, workplace wellbeing, cv writing, job application, interviews, learning, volunteering, employment advice, employment support, employment adviser, information, advice, guidance, work
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.