Connect Mental Health Group

Connect Mental Health Group is a adult low level mental health support group that meets weekly on a friday in the Copeland area. The focus of this group is on social interaction done through planned activities and with guest speakers. Throughout this group they learn coping strategies and can socialise with one another around the hot drink(s) provided
Examples of some of the activities that Connect has undergone are:

Arts and Crafts - Making Mosaics, making stressballs and mini scarecrows
Guest Speakers - The Fire Service, The Police Service, Goodlives 
Games and Activities - games from the TV series The Cube, Quizzes, Photography walks
Trips out in the community - Trip to a local Apiary, Engaging with the community handing out hand sewn hearts (Hug in your pocket) 
Courses conducted through adult learning - Arts course, Budgeting course

Service statistics
Usually replies in 24 minutes
100% of referrals accepted
Arts and creativity
Mental health support
Connecting with others
Healthy lifestyle
Mental health
Additional needs catered for:
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
mental health, adult, support, mental health support
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