Online Chair Yoga

Online Chair Yoga
This online chair yoga class is suitable for all abilities and health conditions. The movements are helpful for anyone living with Parkinson’s Disease, another movement disorder, have arthritis, rheumatism, high blood pressure, heart problems or any condition where gentle movement is advised.

We usually do some standing postures too but these are optional and can be modified. The aim is to reduce stiffness and improve mobility for everyday life. The breathwork and relaxation practices are designed to help you manage stress and find some inner calm.

The benefits of yoga have been well documented to improve posture, mobility and balance as well as help to reduce anxiety and lift the mood.

The class is available for free for professional referrals or flexible pricing from £6.    

Exercise and fitness classes
Activities for older people
Sports clubs and groups
Sports facilities
Getting active
Healthy lifestyle
Managing a long-term health condition
Services for older people
Social prescribing
Service access criteria:

The class is available for free for professional referrals or flexible pricing from £6.    

Additional needs catered for:
Wheelchair accessible
Physical disability friendly
Takes place in the client’s home
Non English speaking friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
Yanar, fitness, exercise, keeping active, massage, yoga, creative, health, wellbeing, friend, social, loneliness, isolation
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