Guys Get Active Programme

A free 12-week health programme for men who live or work in Wandsworth and want to improve their nutrition and fitness, and conquer unhealthy habits. Guys Get Active supports all men, whatever their ability, who are above a healthy weight to make lasting lifestyle changes. This is delivered via 1-1 nutrition consultations by registered Nutritionists and Dietitians for a behavioural change focus, and a mix of in-person and virtual activities including social football, circuit and strength training. During the 12-week programme, participants will have free access to join the Wandsworth Council gyms listed below: Battersea Park Millennium Arena Tooting Bec Athletics Track & Gym Barn Elms Sports Centre Battersea Sports Centre Participants will receive coach and peer support during the programme for practical tips and encouragement through different platforms including the group WhatsApp chat, and social events.

Service statistics
Usually replies in 4 days
100% of referrals accepted
Exercise and fitness classes
Sports clubs and groups
Sports facilities
Health advice
Stopping smoking
Getting active
Healthy lifestyle
Managing a long-term health condition
Service access criteria:

Aged 18+ years, Live, work or be registered with a GP in Wandsworth, BMI of 27+ and/ or related health conditions such as overweight, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Type 2 Diabetes

Additional needs catered for:
Hearing impairment friendly
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 1
Wandsworth, Battersea, Tooting, Getting active, workout, healthy living, exercise, free, weight management, lose weight, get fit, exercise programme, nutrition, diet, healthy eating, nutrition workshops, increase fitness and stamina, healthy habits, overweight, obesity
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