Write Time, Write Place - a ten Week Creative Writing Course [18 Sept to 20 Nov 2024]

Running weekly as part of a ten-week course, from Wednesday 18 September to Wednesday 20 November June 2024, 10.15am to 12.30pm

This ten-week course with Chris Woodhouse is an opportunity for those who enjoy creative writing to have fun sharing work, ideas and motivation. It is suitable for beginners as well as those with some experience of writing who would welcome guidance, encouragement and feedback. Chris has created and taught many courses and workshops in the subject over some thirty years. Sessions will include sharing work, discussion, writing exercises and suggested topics and will be supported with some taught elements and printed handouts, designed to extend skills and knowledge. Whether you are a short story writer, a poet, a teller of anecdotes, want to write your memoirs or novels or just want to explore different forms of creative writing you will be made very welcome.

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