Fitbay Exercise on referral Programme

The Fitness in Torbay exercise referral programme is a 10-week exercise programme supervised by fully qualified exercise professionals. The programme is aimed at people with medical conditions that would benefit from exercise. The cost is £60. (£10 a session)

There are venues across Torbay offering different types of activities:

Gym sessions
Toning tables
Is it for you?
There are plenty of reasons to consider taking the first steps towards an active lifestyle, including:

Meeting new people and having fun
Improving your mobility
To manage long term health conditions such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes
Reducing stress and improving mental wellbeing
Increasing your self-esteem
And many more…

If you are interested in the Fitness in Torbay Programme please contact the Your Health Torbay Team to arrange a discussion with a Health Coach or call us 01803 422 422.

Exercise and fitness classes
Sports clubs and groups
Sports facilities
Connecting with others
Getting active
Healthy lifestyle
Managing a long-term health condition
Mental health
Additional needs catered for:
Vision impairment friendly
Hearing impairment friendly
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
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