Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Clinics

Sister Circle is a multi-cultural community health charity working with the most disadvantaged and marginalised East London communities. Using innovative peer support programmes and community engagement, we improve the health and wellbeing of vulnerable women and their families, working collaboratively to: remove barriers, reduce inequalities and isolation, grow confidence, independence, resilience and social networks whilst empowering women to access and influence vital health, wellbeing and social care services.

Among other support areas, Sister Circle works to support women who have been affected by FGM/ C, or who are at risk from the practice in the borough. FGM/C is a global issues that impacts over 230 million girls around the world and it is estimated that annually 4 million girls are at risk of being cut making our support critical. 

We provide:

  • Advocacy emotional & practical support in the FGM/C (Female Genital Cutting) clinics 
  • One-to-one counselling in multiple languages for up to 22 weeks;
  • a conversation cafe (a space for women from practicing communities to connect and improve their capacity to access services);
  • trainings for health professionals, schools/universities, stakeholders and continued community engagement and support workshops. 
Service access criteria: Being from an FGM/C practising community or in a profession that might support members of practising communities.
Information and advice
Additional needs catered for:
Non English speaking friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
FGM, Female Genital Mutilation, Newham, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest, whfs, sister circle
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