South Brent and District Caring

About our services

We have a group of friendly local volunteers with a wide set of skills and backgrounds to help you with all kinds of things that are not provided by statutory agencies.  We are unable, however, to provide any personal care support for which you must approach statutory or private care organisations.  Owing to the need to focus our limited resources on our primary aim – helping local residents improve their quality of life in their home – we cannot offer our services, particularly befriending, carer respite and transport, to those living in private residential or nursing homes.

Drop-in advice, information or a listening ear, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10am -12noon at our address.

Our support includes, but is not limited to:

  • Befriending… A voluntary, mutually beneficial and purposeful relationship in which an individual gives time to support another to enable them to make changes in their life.
  • DIY… Need help painting a room, putting up a shelf or assembling furniture? We may be able to help you with domestic D.I.Y. tasks around your home.
  • Light gardening… If you already have a gardener, but need someone to maintain your garden while your regular gardener is absent, we can help support you in the meantime.
  • Help with form filling and applications… Sometimes filling out a form can be unclear and confusing and having someone there to talk things through with can really help. We can also assist you with filing and cataloguing because, at times, a mass of paperwork or photos can be daunting to sort through and having someone there to tackle it with you alleviates some of that stress.
  • Prescription collection… We understand that getting to a pharmacy is not always possible for some people, and that a prescription delivery service is not available in this area. This is why we offer a prescription collection service, to maintain the health and independence of older people in the local area.
  • Carer respite… We offer respite to carers who may want someone to sit with their loved one while they go shopping, meet up with friends or simply spend some time on their own. We understand that caring for someone else can be difficult and you may feel guilty for wanting to spend time away from them, but you don’t have to. We are here to help and support you however we can.
  • Shopping… Our volunteers can go shopping with you so you can still get out and about, while having the support of someone there to help you carry shopping bags, navigate the supermarket and even provide you with the transport to and from your favourite shops.
  • Transport -  Volunteer transport service to health appointments, and occasional transport to activites that could improve connection like hospital visiting, cal to discuss. Free service funded by donation. 
  • Digital support -  help to access services online, book apointments or order shopping, or be shown how to use devices like phones, laptops and tablets in order to grow skills.
  • Signposting & Advice & Information - Also support to navigate the plethora of services that may be out there for a person in their circumstances
  • Groups -  run regular groups for generally older people who may be needing connection, fortnighly Coffee mornings & Lunch Club (charge £4 for soup, roll and a pudding) on Mondays and every week, Wednesday Friends Day (incorporating the memory cafe). See our site for more details, all are drop in. 
Service statistics
Usually replies in 10 days
90% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: Support for older people or those isolated, in financial hardship or disabled based in South Brent, Avonwick, Diptford, North Huish and Rattery.
Leaving hospital
Activities for older people
Adult carers advice and support
Connecting with others
Day to day helping hand
Helping with money
Information and advice
Managing a long-term health condition
Services for older people
Support for carers
Transport and getting around
Additional needs catered for:
Wheelchair accessible
Physical disability friendly
Dementia friendly
Befriending, Social, Helping older people, isolation, independence, connection, support, drop-in, home visiting,
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.