Healthy Futures Newham Programme for Families

Please note that all referrals should go through this external referral form.

If you have any questions, please email rather than messaging within the Joy platform.

The Healthy Futures programme is a fun learning opportunity to engage the whole family in the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and explore how to incorporate healthy eating and moving more into everyday life.

This free programme includes 12 weekly fun, interactive sessions for children and their parents/carers. All of the sessions are run by qualified health coaches who will support you on your journey.  

What’s included in the programme?

  • Parents/caregivers will get exclusive access to our Wellbeing Way app, including our community forum and access to hundreds of recipes, meal plans and tips to support your family on their healthier lifestyle journey  
  • Free group sessions
  • Online learning
  • Tailored webinars, blogs and podcasts


Who’s eligible?

  • Newham residents aged 4-17 years plus their parent(s) or carer(s)
  • Children or young people must have a ​ BMI Centile of 91st percentile or above
  • If you do not know your child’s BMI Centile, please click here to calculate it.
Service access criteria: Families living in Newham.
Exercise and fitness classes
Sports clubs and groups
Sports facilities
Family support groups and organisations
Preventative services for children and young people
Getting active
Healthy lifestyle
Youth support
Additional needs catered for:
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
exercise, get fit, weight management, exercise class, newham, xyla, live well newham, nutrition, food, healthy eating, weight loss, healthy weight, weight management, family, families, healthy lifestyle
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.