At Carers Centre SA Ltd we provide advice, information and support for people who care. Whether you are a parent or child, husband or wife, partner, close relative or friend we are here to provide help when you need it.
How can Carers Carers SA Ltd help?
We are a registered charity that provides:
By having access to the right information, carers are able to make a decision about how services should be provided, if and when they are needed.
Caring for someone at home can be an isolating and demanding experience, both physically and emotionally. Carers sometimes need support to enable them to continue in their role and also when they are no longer able to continue caring at home.
Many Carers and their families will be entitled to claim benefits, we can offer Carers a comprehensive welfare benefits advice service.
At times Carers may feel unable to voice their concerns and opinions to those responsible for providing care services, therefore we can provide support with this.
Social activities
Caring for someone over a period of time can sometimes mean losing touch with family and friends, leaving a feeling of isolation and a loss of confidence. Other Carers and former Carers understand these problems and therefore a range of social activities and outings are arranged on a regular basis enabling Carers to meet socially. Check our calendar for more information.