Trade offers free confidential information, advice, information, guidance, support and services about sexual health and HIV to 'new arrivals' living in the City of Leicester. We define new arrivals as anyone who has migrated, internationally, to Leicester within the last five years - including refugees and asylum-seekers, international students, people migrating for work, and people coming to join their families/partners.
At Trade we pride ourselves on delivering targeted services to fit the needs of the communities we work with
we understand how intersectionality can affect the experiences we have and how they may differ from others who share similar identities. We also provide some other services, such as the C Card, which can be accessed by the wider community.
Specifically, we offer:
* Kwik Prick rapid HIV testing
* In-person and remote assisted HIV/STI testing
* C-Card - registration and click & collect
* Safer sex packs for men - click & collect
* 1-2-1 information, advice and guidance support about sexual health and HIV.