Dementia Support Service
Verified service

• The Dementia Support Service is here to support people living with dementia and their carers throughout their dementia journey.
• We will provide you with information and support tailored to your individual situation.
• We will enable you to explore strategies that will support you to live well with dementia by focusing on your strengths and abilities.
• We will provide emotional support and help you to access other health, social care and community services.
• We will provide support as you require, as your needs may change over time.
Support Options:
Post Diagnostic Information Session
Following referral, you will be invited to attend a post diagnosis information session where you will be provided with a range of information to help you understand more about dementia, learn strategies to support you to manage dementia symptoms, receive key information about planning ahead and local services you may wish to access.
Personalised one to one support:
We can provide support via telephone, face to face or online.
Information, advice and signposting:
Our Dementia Support Workers can provide information and support around a broad range of topics and will make referrals to other organisations where required. The most commonly discussed topics include the following:
• Dementia Journey
• Keeping safe and well
• Support from health, social care & local services
• Assistive technology, aids around the home
• Maximising your income
• Having a benefits check (disability benefits, carers allowance and income related benefits)
• Planning ahead including discussion around Lasting
• Power of Attorney
Social Groups and Activities
Our programme of groups and activities are based in the community and are designed to keep you active and connected to other people. Ask us about groups in your area.
Informal Carer Learning
Our programme of Informal carer learning is designed to equip carers with the skills and knowledge that will support them and the person they care for, to live will with dementia. Sessions include the following topics:
• Understanding dementia
• Strategies to support the person living with dementia
• Support available
• Managing money / Planning for the future
• Looking after yourself
On-Line and Digital Support
Supporting individuals living with dementia and carers to increase their confidence and independence with getting online and developing their skills with using technology’.

Service statistics
Usually replies in 1 day
95% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: • You are aged 18+ with a formal diagnosis of dementia. • You are a family member or carer of someone living with dementia. • You are a person living with dementia who is registered with a general medical practice within Leicester City or Leicestershire. • You are a family member or informal carer of a person with dementia. Please note that you do not have to be a resident in Leicester City or Leicestershire.
Mental health support
Mental health
Support for carers
Additional needs catered for:
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.