Volunteering Opportunities Across Cornwall

A major part of our mission at Volunteer Cornwall is to spread the message of volunteering far and wide, helping to make it easier for people to find activities with the charities and groups that they wish to support.

Finding and Sharing Volunteering Opportunities

One of the great tools at our disposal is our bespoke website for promoting volunteering opportunities across the county, acting as a directory of places that are currently seeking volunteers. When a volunteer finds an activity on the site that they are interested in, they can fill in a brief enquiry form and send a message direct to the charity/group (no unnecessary middleman involved).

You can browse the website here: https://opportunities.volunteercornwall.org.uk/

Charities and Community Groups can either create a free account on the website to share their volunteering roles, or they can email the details to us at opportunities@volunteercornwall.org.uk and we'll post them onto the site on their behalf.

We've made the website as simple as possible, allowing volunteers to filter their searches by specific words, types of activities they're interested in, areas of Cornwall and days of the week.

Why Volunteer?

There are many reasons why people volunteer and here are just some of them:

  • Volunteering can help you get or stay fit and healthy in mind and body. Studies have shown that regular volunteering can have a positive effect on physical and mental health and wellbeing.
  • Volunteering can help you make new friends – useful if you are new to an area or want to expand your social networks.
  • Volunteering can help you find work if you are jobless or find a better job if you are already working. It allows you to gain new or develop existing skills and qualifications and build your confidence.
  • Volunteering can be a way of fulfilling your ambitions when your career hasn’t led you in the direction you expected.
  • Volunteering can allow you to challenge yourself and experience things you might not otherwise get a chance to do.
  • Volunteering gives you a chance to make a difference, put something back into your community or take up a cause you believe in.
  • Volunteering can open new and unexpected doors to you – you never know where your volunteering could take you.
  • Last, but by no means least, volunteering should be fun! Enjoy yourself and maybe get your friends involved too?

A common thing people ask about is how volunteering impacts their eligibilty for benefits, the Volunteering and Benefits page provides lots of useful information to help clear up the confusion for people who claim benefits and would like to get involved in volunteering.

Additional needs catered for:
volunteering, opportunities, updated regularly
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.