Advocacy Project
Verified service

The advocacy project provides Independent advocacy offering a client led, outcomes focussed approach.

This will include:

  • Supporting people transitioning towards increased self-management and more independent living but whose recovery is threatened by additional or unexpected external stress.
  • Offering preventative early intervention to prevent additional external stresses precipitating or worsening mental health issues.
  • Striving to achieve diverse solutions for diverse needs by applying the principles of self- definition, equality and assistance for all people in ways that they choose.

Our aim is to support, empower and encourage the client to, where possible, complete their actions rather than the advocate completing on their behalf. This will include signposting and encouraging clients to engage with appropriate supportive agencies and groups to boost their skills and self- confidence. The Advocacy Project will support the person to express their voice and make choices. The guiding philosophy is that the advocacy should not increase dependency but ensure a sustainable increase in self-confidence and independent living. This will be enabled through supporting people to influence and control decisions about their own lives.

Our Advocate can help with:

  • Exploring all options and rights that are available to you, at a pace that makes you most comfortable;
  • Providing information to help you make informed decisions;
  • Helping you contact relevant people or organisations, or do this on your behalf;
  • Accompanying you and support you on meetings and appointments;
  • Helping you raise your concerns about your care or experiences;
  • Supporting you to deal with complex issues;
  • Supporting and encouraging you to communicate your views and be confident enough to speak up for yourself;
  • Ensuring you feel safe and comfortable at all times, such as in situations where you may feel threatened or powerless;

Guiding you to seek additional help and support, that may help improve your health, wellbeing or independence.

You are eligible to access our Advocacy services if you:

  • Have a diagnoses of enduring mental health issues
  • Be a member of the Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) community, between the ages of 18-65 and a resident of Leicester of immediate vicinity
  • Not currently receiving, or on the waiting list for, advocacy from another organisations
  • Have a specific issue that is affecting your life, that you feel needs help and support
  •  Are referred to Adhar, which can be done by yourself or another organisation, with your permission.
Service statistics
100% of referrals accepted
Additional needs catered for:
Non English speaking friendly
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