Saff Caff Neighbourhood Mental Health Cafe
Verified service

Saff Caff is open every Tuesday starting on April 2nd between 10am and 4pm when we provide a friendly, safe space where we will listen to you and then signpost and support you to access other services where that is appropriate. We also offer a cuppa and biscuits, games, crafts  and access to our beautiful outdoor space in nature. You can contact us direct during our opening times on 07393 036131

Neighbourhood Mental Health Cafés offer local support for people who need immediate help with their mental health.
The cafés are drop-in centres for anyone to come and talk to us about their mental health in confidence - no appointment needed. They are run by partners on behalf of the NHS.
We have supportive, trained staff who can listen and provide the practical support you need.
If you need urgent mental health support, call our free 24/7 Mental Health Central Access Point on
0808 800 3302. Always call 999 if there is a physical threat to life.

Mental health support
Connecting with others
Mental health
Service access criteria:

18+ with mental health needs based in Leicester and Leicestershire.

Additional needs catered for:
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.