ChatAutism is a safe and secure text messaging advice and support service delivered by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust’s Specialist Autism Team
Qualified health care clinicians will answer autism related queries from any autistic person living in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland, including children and adults of all ages, as well as their families, carers or allies.
The service will also answer questions from people wanting to find out more about how and when to refer for an autism assessment – and from people who are waiting for an autism assessment.
To access the service text 07312 277097. A response will be sent within 24 hours, during Monday to Friday – including the school holidays (bank holidays not included).
Autism Space is a webspace on the Leicestershire Partnership Trust website with advice and information on an array of autism related topics and a directory of local support services.
It’s aimed at autistic adults but also anyone interested in finding out more about autism and how to support autistic people.
Visitors can expect information on:
o Understanding the autism diagnosis and assessment process
o Advice and support for autistic people in education and employment
o Mental health and emotional wellbeing support
o General advice on health and wellbeing
o Information about benefits and finances
o Support services
o And much more.
To view Autism Space, visit: