It is estimated there are over 22,000 people in Medway providing care for a relative or friend. We believe every one of those people deserves the support necessary to thrive in their role.
If you're an unpaid carer supporting someone in Medway, we’re here to help with online help and advice, as well as 1-2-1 practical and emotional support. Remember, you don’t have to wait until crisis point before asking for help - the earlier you ask, the bigger difference it can make.
We also support Young Carers and Young Adult Carers. If you are a Young Carer who lives in Medway, you can access our Medway Young Carers Project.
The Medway Young Carer and Young Adult Carer projects aims to support young people aged 5 to 25 who are in a caring role by offering them support and the opportunity to have a break from their caring role and meet others who are in a similar situation.
We understand how important it is for unpaid carers to access support. Whether you're after one-to-one advice, are looking to meet other carers or would like to attend one of our workshops, everything we offer is designed to support you in your role.
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