Live Well Kent and Medway
Verified service

Live Well Kent and Medway is a free service for people aged 17+ who have a mental health or wellbeing need.


We can provide support for up to a year and are linked to a range of organisations that we can refer into. We offer support around employment, housing, money management, and social isolation, as well as specialist bereavement & loss counselling, therapeutic art activities, a variety of creative groups and peer support groups, and various nature-based activities.

Alongside our Live Well services, we also support people to access other services and activities taking place in the community.

Service access criteria: Anyone 17+ who has a mental health or wellbeing need.
Bereavement support
Arts and creativity
Mental health support
Connecting with nature
Mental health
Support with housing
Additional needs catered for:
Kent and Medway, Mental health support,
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