Southall Day Centre provides a range of activities and facilities for our members: exercise, games, lunches, and more.
Keeping active (fitness): have fun and stay healthy at Southall Day Centre. Our gentle exercise classes suit those who are more frail, and disabled members. Classes include yoga and meditation, general exercises and light-hearted games
Women’s groups: whether you enjoy singing, Giddha, cookery, or just having a good chat, our women’s groups have great fun every afternoon during the week. It’s also a good place to get sound health and general advice
Culinary delights: fancy a delicious lunch brought to you at the centre from a local restaurant? We also hold tea parties where members bring along food to celebrate a birthday or special occasion. There’s a cuppa or two for everyone – our members get through an impressive 1,500 cups of tea a week
Fun and games: join in with our hugely popular card games sessions. Or make new friends playing some of our board games. If you’d like to keep fit and healthy, we’ve got simple ball games for fun and fitness
Come early or be prepared for a squeeze to join in the beloved bi-lingual bingo. Our fantastic volunteers run this activity one morning a week. It’s so popular we often run out of chairs!
Meeting friends: they know my village and I know theirs. We talk about our families and how we used to farm the land. One of my friends reads the paper aloud for the rest of us and we talk about what is happening,’ Ajit Singh, member. At the centre you will always be welcome. It’s especially important that older people have the chance to socialise, to prevent loneliness and isolation. That’s why our doors are open every day of the year. Members can reminisce or debate the latest news over a cup of tea. It can get quite lively at times!
Outings and celebrations: we love any excuse for a party. We celebrate cultural and religious events that are important to our members. We have great fun, marvellous music and fantastic food for Diwali, Baisakhi, Eid, Christmas and more. We also love to celebrate important occasions like birthdays. Joining us as a member means that we’ll know more about the events that are important to you
Learning and new skills
We provide a number of training opportunities in partnership with East Berkshire College and the Lifelong Learning Centre. These courses support the improvement of individual skills and personal development. They also help to increase confidence and improve self-esteem among participants so they can integrate into the wider community.
Visit us today and join in
You can come to the centre every day. But did you know you can also go to the seaside with us? Or abroad on holiday? We organise day trips and holidays which have included Brighton, Clacton-on-Sea’s airshow, Belgium, Germany, Tunisia and many more. Members pay for their own trips but we always find a bargain and have loads of fun too.
We have two buildings for members to use. Both buildings are equipped for our disabled and more frail members.
Minibus transport – our partnership with Ealing Community Transport helps our disabled members to get around in a minibus fully equipped with a tail lift. Not only does the minibus allow more frail members to visit the centre and enjoy the activities there, it also takes us on day trips, cinema visits and more
Culinary delights (lunches, teas) – there’s no denying it, lunches at the Southall Day Centre are delicious. From Monday to Friday a local restaurant brings in food. For a small price members can enjoy a hot meal (which many of them can no longer cook) and chat with friends old and new. We can provide for dietary needs
TV, books and newspapers – our partnership with Ealing libraries ensures that books, DVDs and CDs are plentiful and available in different languages. The library is where people can come for quiet relaxation and reading in the mornings. The afternoons get a bit livelier with discussions on the latest news. There’s also a television in an adjoining room, so the news debates don’t disturb viewers!
Home visits – we make home visits to help those who are housebound. If you can’t come to the centre, we could come to you! We also offer advice and support to carers
Crèche – if you’re taking one of our training courses at the Western Road centre, you can use our crèche to help with childcare issues