Low Cost Counselling for Women

 Counselling sessions


How to join: 

 Please give us a call on 07888721160 or visit our website: https://www.resourcefulwomensnetwork.org/counselling

 and fill in our form.


How does it work? 

 We offer a telephone assessment for a small £10 fee.


After your assessment you will be allocated to a counsellor and your sessions will be face-to-face,online or by telephone depending on what feels more convenient for you.


The session fees are on a sliding scale from £2 - £40 based on your income and will be discussed in your assessment. Women on universal credit don't pay for their sessions.

Service statistics
Usually replies in 16 days
67% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: is free for women on universal credit
Mental health support
Mental health
Additional needs catered for:
Vision impairment friendly
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 5
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.