Elleray Hall Social Centre

The Social Centre

Our objective

Elleray Hall is a Social Centre based in the heart of Teddington. With the main objective of alleviating loneliness in our local community, Elleray Hall is home to the building of new friendships and the maintaining of old ones.

Built in 1911, Elleray Hall’s initial purpose was to act as a parish hall. It wasn’t until 1950’s Teddington’s Old Peoples’ Welfare Committee (T.O.P.W.C.) began utilising the hall for distributing off-ration sweets to its local elderly community. T.O.P.W.C. had been formed in 1946 with the aim of aiding the elderly with fuel and food. Seventy-six years on, T.O.P.W.C. has become Elleray Community Assoication but its objective of combating isolation in our neighbourhood continues.


Our services

Every weekday Elleray Hall’s doors are open. Each day at Elleray offers a coffee bar, a two-course meal and a fantastic range of activities. Moreover, there are discounted hairdresser services, a weekly bargain shop, and even a chiropodist on a monthly basis. In addition to regular amenities, outings are a cherished feature for the members. Recent trips have included Kew Gardens, Dorney Court and Milestones museum. Of course, we can’t talk about Elleray Hall without noting the parties. The Elleray Hall parties are always a sell-out. With sumptuous three-course meals and dazzling entertainment, it’s not hard to understand why the events are popular.    


Our activities

The newly rejuvenated Programme of Activities offers an exercise class every day, whether it’s Zumba Gold for the more mobile or Gentle Exercise for those preferring chair-based stretches. Other exercise classes consist of chair-based Yoga, Tai Chi, chair-based Pilates and Line Dancing.

For those seeking a less sporty way of spending their time at Elleray, there’s a vast array of social groups. Monday’s afternoon bingo is an Elleray staple; members can take home up to twenty-five pounds in winnings. For those less inclined with numbers roulette, there is a read-a-long book club. The quiz on Tuesdays is keenly attended by those seeking to test their knowledge; two rounds of twenty-five questions each leave the members departing with widened minds and pride in their memory’s capability. Friday is also our treat-day with a variety of activities such as relaxation, manicures, visits from animals or a beetle drive. The most recent add on to our Tuesdays is the indoor crazy golf at 2 pm!

Wednesday is games day! Whether it Games Corner or Indoor Bowls, laughter is continually echoed throughout the hall. Wednesdays also includes a lovely Poet's corner for reading and discussing poetry in our lovely quiet lounge. Our dementia friendly group draws a dozen people on a Wednesday morning for chats, crafts and some games.

The most popular day, Thursday, starts out with chair-based pilates and finishes up with the Elleray favourite of singing. It also includes darts, bingo, bolder not older dance and a bridge club!

On Fridays things by no means slow down! The reminiscence group sees members discussing past and present news, sing-a-long to old favourites and answer questions on the morning’s topics. Our main hall  is buzzing with a Zumba class and in another room our breath for life groups meets to support each other dealing with breathing difficulties such as asthma and COPD. For Friday afternoons, each week brings a different community talk. Community talks are free and open to the public with recent topics being dementia, scams and homelessness amongst others. 

As an integral part of Teddington’s past, Elleray Hall’s new programme of activities means it is now firmly set to be an equally integral part of Teddington’s future.


Our opening times

We are open Monday to Friday from 9.30 am - 4.00 pm and closed only on Bank Holidays.

Service access criteria: People living in and around Teddington
Additional needs catered for:
Waiting list (weeks): 0
activities, chat, coffee, tea, lunch, hairdresser services, bargain shop, chiropodist, volunteer, volunteering, Teddington
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