Men’s Advice Line

Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline, email and webchat service for male victims of domestic abuse and for those supporting them: concerned friends or family members, Frontline Workers. We offer advice and emotional support to men who experience abuse, and signpost to other vital services that help men keep themselves (and their children) safe.

We aim to make our service accessible to everyone.

Calls to 0808 80 numbers are free to call from landlines and mobile phones within the UK and do not appear on itemised bills. They are also free to call from BT payphones.

If English isn’t your first language you can ask for a telephone interpreter or ask someone you know to do it for you.

Our Helpline Advisors are trained to communicate with those unable to hear or speak on the phone via the Next Generation Text Service facility.

Information and advice
Service access criteria:

Male victims, family and friends and Frontline Workers seeking support for men affected by domestic abuse

Additional needs catered for:
Hearing impairment friendly
Non English speaking friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
advice, guidance, help, support, men, male, phone, information, domestic abuse, victim, abuse, newham, Newham
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