A 40 sessions programme of sports, physical activity and wellness support for young people, who live, work or study in Newham, aged 14 to 24 years, covering 2024 to the end of 2025. We will also cater for children 5+- please speak with us about a group session.
Register and come along to experience a varied range of sports, physical activities and wellness support, across Newham borough from February 2024 to July 2025. This includes football, nutrition support and a WHU FC Tour (London Stadium) through West Ham United Foundation WHUF; non-contact boxing and lifestyle advice by Basic Sports and Fitness for 14-18 years; Fencing and Qi Gong for children with SEND by Desmond; UK Wall Ball and Multi-Sports delivered Shareen; Boxing and Self Defence by Above Boxing; Tai Chi, Hula Fit and Chess for girls aged 14+ by Bisi; Dance by Perspectives and Step n Praise; Athletics with Lana; Skating with Skate Cabal and Skate Gals & Pals, Filipino Self Defence, SEND multi-sports; and much, much more!!!
Spaces are limited but most sessions will re-run each year.
The summer will also bring some HAF Programme and Park-Based activities ...........watch this space!!!!
Register here: https://forms.gle/3QzP8zEYbrto4bs19
You must live, work or study in Newham. Children and young people aged 14-24 years. Other criteria may apply to some sessions.