For the provision of assessment, intervention, education and guidance from speech and language therapists for patients with communication and speech difficulties, voice, language, and swallowing problems. The service is delivered Monday to Friday – 9am to 5pm. The service is delivered by registered practitioners.
We can support and deliver a range of therapy services to patients who require rehabilitation after care in hospital. This includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy. A full assessment of need is undertaken to determine what programme of care is required.
We are a team of trained healthcare professionals whose range of specialist skills ensures that we can respond to the needs of adults with communication and swallowing difficulties arising from a wide variety of medical conditions. All of our speech and language therapists are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council and are members of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.
We provide assessment, information and therapy for adults with acquired communication and swallowing disorders. We offer outpatient services and can also provide home visits for people who are housebound or in nursing homes.
We provide and implement:
specialist assessment of speech, voice, language and/or swallowing
therapy to restore communicative competency and/or swallowing to maximum potential
compensatory strategies for both speech and swallow
techniques for managing communication and swallowing disorders and teaching how to avoid risks
techniques to improve speech fluency and communicative competence
training and support for carers and professionals, which raises awareness and improves knowledge of communication and swallowing impairment
What to expect on your first appointment
Your first appointment will last up to an hour. The therapist will obtain a full history to establish the nature of your symptoms. They are likely to carry out assessments of your speech, language or swallowing. Following these assessments you are likely to be given advice. The therapist will discuss therapy options with you and arrange follow-up appointments as required.
Exclusion criteria
Patients not registered with a GP in the Dartford Gravesham and Swanley CCG or Swale CCG localities
Patients under the age of 18 years
Patients with a primary diagnosis of mental ill health
Patients do not receive complex treatments in nursing homes
Adults with a diagnosed Learning Disability
DGS patients with head and neck cancer (seen by Macmillan SaLT at Darent Valley Hospital)
Swale patients with a new stroke diagnosis (seen by Medway Stroke Team)