The 5-4-3-2-1 Method: A Grounding Exercise to Manage Anxiety

Feeling anxious? Grounding exercises can help to calm anxious thoughts and keep you focused and mindful in your environment. The 5-4-3-2-1 method is a grounding exercise that can be done almost anywhere and it doesn't require any equipment or materials- just your brain! Take a few minutes to learn how to complete the exercise and then try it for yourself. Produced by Dr. John A. Pollock and Dr. Brinley Kantorski at the Partnership in Education, Duquesne University. With funding support from the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) (R25GM132910) P.I. John A. Pollock.

Healthy lifestyle
Mental health
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Waiting list (weeks): 0
Video, Signpost, Anxiety, Techniques
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