Totnes Caring - Transport

Services we offer

Transport to and from medical appointments. 
Our volunteer drivers transport clients to and from hospital, doctors’ surgeries, dentists, opticians and other places, such as our Memory Cafe and Lunch Clubs.

The sooner you book your transport, there is more of a chance that we will be able to find you a driver. We always do our best to fulfil all drives, but sometimes we just do not have enough volunteer drivers.

Totnes Caring receives no direct Funding and relies on your donation to cover the costs of your journey. 

Booking Transport for  Health Appointments, including Covid-19 Vaccinations
Our volunteer drivers take clients to and from their appointments. Please contact Totnes Caring on 01803 865684 to make arrangements. As much notice as possible is helpful.

The suggested donations listed below are designed to cover the drivers expenses and include the return trip.
If you live outside Totnes we suggest an additional £2.

Listed below is what your journey costs from Totnes Town (please add £2 if you live outside of Totnes)

Totnes = £8.00
Torbay, Newton Abbot & Ashburton = £12.00
Mount Stuart & Brixham = £18.00
Paignton = £17.00
Teignmouth = £23.00
Dartmouth & Kingsbridge = £23.00
Derriford = £33.00
RD & E Exeter = £36.00
Our drivers are reimbursed at 45p per mile.

All donations can be placed in the collecting box in your drivers car, or by calling the office and paying by card. We thank you very much for supporting your local charity which has ben helping our community since 1987.


Service statistics
Usually replies in 1 hour
Service access criteria: Only available in Totnes and the surrounding area, Must be registered with either the Leatside or Catherine House doctors’ surgeries and live within our area of coverage
Services for older people
Additional needs catered for:
Dementia friendly
Transport, Totnes caring
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.