Kingsbridge Men's Shed

What is a Men’s Shed?

Men’s Sheds are similar to garden sheds – a place to pursue practical interests at leisure, to practice skills and enjoy making and mending. The difference is that garden sheds and their activities are often solitary in nature while Men’s Sheds are the opposite. They’re about social connections and friendship building, sharing skills and knowledge, and of course a lot of laughter.

We are a keen group of shedders who are working together to:

  • Create a shed
  • Provide facilities for hobbies
  • Share skills
  • Help with community projects

Our Philosophy
We are all about offering a group for like-minded people of all ages and backgrounds to come together to work and play...actually some of us are not like-minded at all....but that’s OK – we can argue about it together!

The first two sessions are free, afterwards there is an annual subscription of £35/yr

Service access criteria: carer to be present at all times if required
Additional needs catered for:
Woodwork, furniture, Garden boxes, Community, Design, build, renovate, repair.
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