Health & Well being Nutrition service - HH Collab

Health and Wellbeing Coaches work alongside Social Prescribing Link Workers and Care Coordinators. This role is part of the NHS’s long-term plan to make personalised care the ‘norm’ across primary care. The idea is to help support Primary Care Network (PCN) staff in helping people look after and manage their own physical and mental health.

A coach’s main role is to help people to take an active role in looking after their own health and wellbeing. Particularly people with long-term conditions that can be managed through lifestyle changes. Coaches aim to help people make these positive lifestyle changes, with the aim of leading to long-term behaviour change. This can be achieved through setting goals and targets, establishing healthier habits and increasing peoples knowledge, skills and confidence


Please note we cannot offer specialist services 

Service statistics
Usually replies in 10 days
69% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: 18+ without complex mental health needs, and with any of the following: • BMI over 30 • OR pre diabetic with Hba1c between 42-47 • OR diabetic with Hba1c over 48+
Social prescribing
Additional needs catered for:
Health Coach, Social Prescribing
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.