Suicide Bereavement Services

The loss of a loved one to suspected suicide is a uniquely devastating circumstance that leaves the bereaved with unanswered questions and complex feelings that can be hard to understand and process.

Our services support close family and friends, aged 17 or over living in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough, who have been bereaved by suicide or suspected suicide.

1. Support Service: Our service will give you support and information that is tailored to you. We have specialist liaison workers to support you following your loss.

What to expect:

  • A single point of contact
  • Contact within 72 hours of the death, where possible
  • Emotional and practical support
  • Support with the inquest and legal process
  • Referral to specialist support services, including children and young people's services, our own suicide bereavement counselling service and support groups.

Who can access our service? Individuals who have recently been bereaved by suspected suicide. You can self-refer or be referred by a professional.

2. Counselling Service: Counselling provides an opportunity to talk in depth about your feelings and emotions. This can be particularly helpful after losing someone to suicide. Our specialist suicide bereavement counsellors offer up to 14 sessions of free

What to expect:

  • Before starting therapy, we will talk to you to make sure you understand how counselling works, discuss logistics and check that it's the right timing for you
  • Most sessions are held in-person, but online or telephone therapy may be possible in exceptional circumstances

Who can access our service? If you are already receiving support from us, counselling is available from six
months after your loss. You can also self-refer even if you haven't been supported by us already.

3. Support Groups: Peer support can be hugely beneficial. Sharing your thoughts, feelings and challenges with people who have been bereaved in a similar way can be comforting and reassuring. Our support groups provide a safe and confidential space to meet with others who have been bereaved by suicide.

What to expect:

  • Groups meet face-to-face for two hours on a monthly basis
  • The groups are led by an experienced facilitator and a trained volunteer

Who can access our groups? Anyone who is receiving support from our bereavement services can access groups
from about nine months after their loss. You can also self-refer even if you haven't been supported by us already.

Service access criteria: Who do we support? Close family and friends, aged 17 or over living in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough, who have been bereaved by suicide or suspected suicide.
Bereavement support
Mental health support
Mental health
Additional needs catered for:
Waiting list (weeks): 0
suicide, bereavement, suicide loss, mental health, counselling, support group,
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.