Sight Loss Support

Often a sight loss diagnosis will come as a shock and having an eye condition that has or will cause significant sight loss can be frightening. Our Sight Loss Support Officers can work with you at any time in your sight loss journey when you feel you would like their support alongside you.
For some of our Members this is when they are first diagnosed but for others it can be much later when their sight deteriorates further or something else in their life changes. There’s no wrong time to reach out and see how a Sight Loss Support Officer could help you, even if you’re not sure what you might need help with.



Our Sight Loss Support Officers can work with you anywhere that you feel comfortable from your own home, to a local café, to a telephone call or video chat. Our Sight Loss Support Officers are Jennie, Chris, Helen and Diane. You can find out more about them by clicking here.

We can work with you to assess your needs and agree a support plan laying out how and when we can work together to help you. This could include aids and adaptations to help with everyday tasks and maintain or increase your independence; supporting you with technology including accessibility features and apps, and especially the tricky bits such as setting the device up in the first place; helping you to identify and access things you could do in your local community; provide a listening ear to talk about coming to terms with your sight loss; or linking you in with our partners for advice on benefits and allowances you may be able to claim, help with mobility both in your home and out and about, employment, debt advice, and a wide range of other issues.

If needed an interpreter can be provided to help you access support from one of our Sight Loss Support Officers.

Service access criteria: Visual impaired and aged 18+
Managing a long-term health condition
Additional needs catered for:
Vision impairment friendly
Hearing impairment friendly
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Dementia friendly
Takes place in the client’s home
Non English speaking friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 1
Sight loss, visual impairment, support, independence
Who can refer: Self referrals only
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.